Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Fitness Story

've been so nervous to actually share  this but here it is---MY fitness story! 

Growing up I was always an active kid but once I got into college I stopped pretty much all activity.  I was pretty content with myself and my life.  I didn't think I had to workout, or eat healthy (I honestly didn't even know HOW to eat healthy) & so I didn't!  I binged on junk food and ice cream.  Although I didn't ever drink much I did love food at parties bars and clubs and would take full advantage whenever possible.  I was in college full time, studying a career that I absolutely loved, falling more and more in love with the guy who would become my husband, and pretty active in my church. I was HAPPY!! Why did I need to worry about what I ate?! So I didn't.  I just kept buying bigger clothes.  And wearing more sweatshirts.  


The photo on the left was taken in February of 2012.  My family and my then boyfriend (now hubby!) and I had gone to Vegas to celebrate my brother's birthday.  Looking at the pictures from that trip I was in SHOCK.  "Who IS this girl?!? She's not happy.  Or confident.  Or comfortable in her own skin." These pictures LITERALLY never saw the light of day.  I just knew I didn't want to live my life like that anymore. 

Two months later my boyfriend proposed!!  After the initial celebrating fizzled out I realized that I didn't want to feel the way that I felt at that point on my wedding day.  I KNEW that I needed a change but I had no idea where that change would come from.

After months of little progress I was offered an opportunity to purchase the Beachbody program T25 and commit to the program with the support of a challenge group.  

I was TERRIFIED! I was out of shape and so uncertain that I would be able to keep up with the workouts.  But you know what? I STARTED.  I got up, gave it a go, gave it my all and then kept going.  I. Was. Committed.  I worked out when I was tired, sore, when I didn't feel like it, when I didn't have any energy, when I had had a bad day at work. I just did it.  And I started seeing results! 

By the time our wedding day arrived I had lost 15 pounds and inches off of my hips, waist and thighs while building muscle all over. 

When I walked down the aisle to the amazing man whom I now get to spend the rest of my life with, I felt CONFIDENT, COMFORTABLE, BEAUTIFUL and most importantly HAPPY. {my dress even ended up being a bit loose in the waist-say WHAT!!!}

I share all of this to say that the most important step that you can take is to {START}.  I started and once I did I saw that the possibilities were endless.

Although I stilll have a long way to go towards my goals as they grow and change every day, I am CHARGED up and excited for every small step and little victory.  Each day that I get my workout done, eat properly, drink enough water or get enough sleep is a victory in itself!  Celebrate the little things and shoot for the biggest dreams of your life!


So now it's your turn!! I want to help you take the first step into creating your fitness story, to help you reach your goals, and to be able to celebrate, appreciate and LOVE the body that God has gifted you with!!  If you are ready to make that step leave your email below. 

Let's {S T A R T} your journey together today!! 


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Yoga Lovin Mission!

I made the decision at the beginning of this year that I was going to get back into Yoga.  And so far it's been great!


I'm currently practicing Yoga once a week for 30 minutes.  Why have I dedicated myself to this?  There are a few reasons!

1. A really, really good stretch!
Because I workout about 5 days a week, I know that a quick post workout stretch is NOT enoughfor my  muscles to rejuvenate and repair.

2. An Active Rest Day
Although on the days I do yoga I am not doing an intense workout, I am still pushing my body-it's just a different type of push.

3. Habit and Accountability
By making one day in my week "Yoga Day" I keep myself on schedule for my workouts.  I have something to look forward to that is a slower, more concentrated on breathing, relaxing and rejuvenating myself during the week.  I honestly look so, SO forward to Yoga Day! (Which is usually Wednesdays 😄)

4. Relaxation
Ok, honestly who doesn't need a little extra relaxation in their life?  That's what I get from yoga.  Focusing on deep breathing, clarity, peace and stretching refocuses me and allows me to relax no matter what is going on in my life.

Those are just a few reasons why I have incorporated yoga into my workouts.

So!  What are some health B E N E F I T S of Yoga?  Let me share!

“Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body,” explains Natalie Nevins, DO, a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, Calif. “As an osteopathic physician, I focus a lot of my efforts on preventive medicine and practices, and in the body’s ability to heal itself. Yoga is a great tool for staying healthy because it is based on similar principles.” 

According to Dr. Nevins, some of the health benefits of practicing Yoga include:
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased muscle strength and tone
  • Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  • The maintenance of a balanced metabolism
  • Weight reduction
  • Cardio and circulatory health
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Protection from injury
I personally love yoga for the stretching and relaxation that I gain from it, but these benefits are definitely a G R E A T reason to start your own practice!

Some recommended Yoga DVDs and programs:
-Denise Austen "Yoga Body Burn", available online and in stores like Target and Walmart
-Jillian Michaels "Yoga Meltdown", available online and in stores like Target and Walmart
-SuperSisters 30 Minute Yoga Routine, search "Go SuperSisters" on YouTube or Facebook

So there you have it - the reasons that I have incorporated Yoga into my life and why I think you should to!
