Thursday, July 31, 2014

Find Your Balance!

Often I get questions along the lines of "how do you do this? Workout, work, feed your marriage, grow your relationship with God & your faith life?"

Let me be honest ---- this was always a struggle for me. I used to wonder the same exact things! The answer I've found, is simple ---- I fight for balance. I schedule things and carve out specific time for each important thing in my life.

And then I STICK to that schedule - those mini daily promises to myself, my family & my health.

Here's what my typical day looks like:
4am - Wake up! Take Kiki (our yorkie!) out & feed her
4:20 am - Pop in workout and get to sweatin'!
5:00am - 6:20 am - Devotion, Shower, Get Ready for Work, Make Breakfast & Pack Lunch, Take Kiki out again & Head off to work!
6:20 - 6:50 am - Drive to work; listen to Personal Development material or radio
7:00am - 3:30pm - Work! During my breaks I do a few different things: check in with how my challengers are doing, post photos from my workout or motivational photos to IG & Facebook, follow up on emails & read personal development 
*I don't do all of those things in any given day because I want to make sure I have time to focus on my co-workers and engage with them.*
3:30 - 4:00 pm - Get home from work - listen to personal development or radio
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Tidy up house, relax with my hubby, clean or run errands
5:00pm - 7:00pm - Eat Dinner & set up for team calls, Listen actively & take notes on team calls, follow up with challengers and email those interested in next challenge
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm - This is my "ME" time or when my hubby is home "US" time.  We relax, watch a movie or TV, read and enjoy each other's company. 
8:30pm - 8:45 pm - Get ready for bed, prep lunch for next day
8:45 pm - Lights out & Time to snooze!

Then I get up and do it all over again!  Thursday evenings I do not work my business - I simply spend time with my hubby and really focus on growing our relationship.

Because my second job (as a Beachbody Health & Fitness Coach) is meant to help us live the life we desire for ourself and our future family I always, always keep my marriage and relationship with my hubby first and foremost (second only to my relationship with God).  If that falls out of place there would be no reason for me to be investing time in all the rest of this.  For this reason BALANCE in my life is so, so very important!  If my priorities fall out of whack nothing feels right and it would be time to re-evaluate the most important things in my life. 

You only get one life --- find your balance and live life to the fullest!


P.S. If you need help finding the balance in your life I suggest taking a FREE 30-day course from Chalene Johnson, called The 30 Day Challenge.  Here is the link:
The challenge helped me to clearly understand and prioritize my goals - leading to a happier me, more fulfilling relationships and true balance in my life!