Monday, September 15, 2014

Mexican Lasagna

One of our favorite foods to indulge in is cheesy, gooey, rich Mexican food! On day 2 of our 21 Day Fix journey I was craving exactly that!

I started looking online for some healthier Mexican dishes that I could modify to fit perfectly within our 21 Day Fix guidelines. Out of that desperate search came this beauty --- Mexican Lasagna!

1lb lean ground turkey
1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese (low fat)
1 cup of clean salsa
1 cup of black beans
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1 tbsp taco seasoning (I combine chili powder, pepper, garlic & salt - super easy!)
10 small corn or low carb whole wheat tortillas, cut into strips or half circles

Preheat over to 400 degrees.
In a skillet pan sprayed with nonstick spray, cook the ground turkey, bell pepper and onion until brown. 
Once cooked turn to low and add salsa, black beans and taco seasoning and mix together. Set aside. 
In a 9x13 or 8x8 baking dish sprayed with nonstick spray, line the pan with 1/2 of the tortilla strips. 
Scoop 1/2 of the meat mixture on top and spread out, covering the tortillas. 

Then add 1/2 of the cheese on top of the meat and spread. 

Repeat the layers again with remaining strips, meat, and cottage cheese. Top with remaining cheese.

Cover and bake for 40 minutes and enjoy! Makes 4-6 servings - this will depend on the size pan that you use! I used a 9x13 and it yielded 6 servings. 

21 Day Fix Containers: 1 red, 1 yellow

Bon Appetit!

P.S, The hubby agreed that this is so good it has to be added into our meal plan rotations! That's a win in my book! 

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