Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My MAX 30 Journey --- One Program CAN Change Your Life!

I have been sitting on this post on pins and needles, trying to summarize exactly how I'm feeling about this transformation.

First of all, tears. 

Tears of joy and a bit of disbelief that I not only completed the program that scared me to death, but got results that I've never thought possible for myself.

All I used to wish for, starve myself for, workout for hours endlessly for, was a flat stomach. 

Maybe smaller thighs. 

A body I could be happy putting clothes on in the morning. 

For years I bought into the lies that only certain women were meant to have nice bodies. 
That it was all genetics. 
That I had to be curvy, not toned. 

That the only way to lose the weight and get the body I dreamed of was by eating nothing but an apple and a salad for days on end.

So today, those tears are badges of honor. 

That I broke past those lies. 
That I re-defined the "mold" that was sold to me. 
That I have created a lifestyle centered around health and honoring my body, not starving and shaming it. 

Tonight I am beyond proud of my accomplishments, but not just for myself --- for all of the women who are just like I was, stuck in negative thoughts and dangerous behaviors. 

To the girl, reading this, considering a drastic means to lose weight, I KNOW how you feel.

There is a way to honor your body, see your goals realized and never, ever look back to the pit that you are getting ready to crawl out of. 

Here's to you, beautiful girl.


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Facebook: Facebook.com/cmadfitness
IG: @Ririluvsabs

My Top Secret Meal Prep Tip! ;)

Let me let you in on a little tippy tip that I loveeee.

Trader Joe's Grilled. Chicken. Strips. 


Whenever I'm in a hurry on the weekend and it's looking like my time to meal prep will come to a big fat zip I run my booty to Trader Joe's and scoop up a couple of these bad boys. 

They are the PERFECT solution to add protein to salads, make super easy chicken pesto pasta and even chicken tacos! 

So there you have it --- my secret is out!! 

What is your go-to in a pinch meal prep solution?



Let's Connect!

Facebook: facebook.com/cmadfitness

IG: @Ririluvsabs

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Insanity Max 30 Journey --- 30 Day Check In!

Today is a BIG day. 

It officially marks the halfway point of the program I thought I could never do.  

It means I am halfway to completing a huge goal I set for myself this year. 

It means that January has been SMASHED & that 2015 is looking to be my fittest year yet. 

Today, I can officially say that I am 30 days through Insanity: Max 30 and feeling so proud of myself! 

This has been such an amazing journey so far, pushing play on every workout 5 times a week over the last 30 days along with my hubby and the beautiful women in my accountability group.  

What has Insanity Max 30 taught me so far in my journey?  
That modifying doesn't mean less intense, but does mean more focus. 
That my mind is in control of what my body does. 
That where I'm at today is GOOD ---- and where I will be tomorrow is even BETTER. 
That health and fitness is NOT a race that is focused on me against someone else - the girl on the screen, the girl at work, the model in the magazine - but a race from the old me to the new me, who is improving daily. 
That listening to your body does sometimes mean eating more food, once your body has become accustomed to your nutrition plan, which means greater results, more tone and growing muscles!

All of that from 30 minutes, 5 days a week, for 30 days. 
A healthier body.
A stronger mind. 
A happier heart. 
More determined willpower. 

Yes, I would definitely say that Max 30 is changing my life, one 30 second interval at a time! 

To say that I'm more excited about what's to come in the next 30 days is not at all an exaggeration! 

Come onnnn #bestbodyby25!!! How are your 2015 health & fitness goals coming along? 
I would love to help you achieve the things I've mentioned in this post --- with simple nutrition, workouts to suit your fitness level and create the body of your dreams! 
Let's connect via Facebook or the form below! I can't wait to get you started demolishing your goals for 2015! 

Corina Madariaga
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Saturday, January 24, 2015

You CAN do it!

There are some days that I don't workout for me. 

I workout for the girl who didn't ever think she could. 
I workout for the girl who always thought she would be the "cute, chubby one"
Or the "funny" one 

I workout for the girl who hates to try on clothes in stores because she has to look in a well-lit mirror. 

I workout for the girl who just can't say no to chocolate.
Or pizza.
Or donuts. 
But immediately feels riddled with guilt about not bering "as strong as the skinny girl".

I workout for the girl who was called terrible names. 
Who went home crying, hiding her emotions from her loved ones,
Who found comfort in food. Or drugs. Or the attention of boys. 

Some days I don't workout for myself at all. 
Some days the physical results don't matter. 
The discipline isn't important. 

Some days I workout not for me, but for you.  

Because you CAN do it. 
Because you ARE strong enough. 
Because those hurtful things that were sown into you through anger, jealousy, resentment and rage are lies that the enemy wants to keep harbored in your soul. 
Because you DO have worth. 
Because you ARE loved. 
Because God wants to see you stand, in success, in victory, loving your life - not living a perfect life, but a REAL one - with love, integrity and humility. 

Because I know you deserve that life. 
Because your purpose is just waiting for you to DECIDE that now is the time to grab hold and make your life count.

Because I know where you come from and the freedom that comes in breaking away from a comfort zone, from a responsibility zone, from a "should do" zone. 

It is time, beautiful girl, to break free. 
Corina Madariaga
Real Girl Fitness 

Let's Connect!
IG: @ririluvsabs

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Real Girl Moment

Happy Motivation Monday!!

Today I want to share with you something that I shared in my private health & fitness accountability groups on Facebook last week. 
It's a REAL moment.  
A raw moment.
A moment that all of us have on occasion, but look at and react to differently. 

This is my Real Girl Moment. 

Can I just be SO real with you guys for a second?

I am human. 
So, so human. 

I've been dealing with stress and anxiety out the ying this week due to some ridiculous medicine my doctor put me on to ease my asthma flare ups of the past few weeks. 

It makes me anxious and stress like nothing I ever remember experiencing. 

So tonight - after forgetting to eat, feeling ravenous and not desiring any of the prepped foods in our fridge (hello, salmon!?) I made a....

Grilled Cheese sandwich. 

(^^^ SO true!! Yikes, right?? Well, not exactly!)

Now - let me just clear this up. 

---- Was it clean? 
Yes, it actually was - I used Ezekiel's sprouted bread and the amount of cheese from my 21 Day Fix portions. 

---- Was it satisfying?
In the moment, absolutely. Crunchy. Cheesy. Melty. 
Now? I feel SO gross.  I feel STUFFED. 

The girl I was one year ago today would be beating myself up, vowing off all cheese for the rest of the year. 

The girl I am tonight says "Well, that sucks.  Sorry, tummy. Lesson learned. Where the carrots?

Live. Learn. Don't punish. 

This journey isn't a black and white thing.
It gets messy.
Life gets crazy.  

But we have control over how we react - feeding ourselves with things that look satisfying in the moment but will only fill us with regret later is not a good move. 

Plan a treat meal each week. Enjoy it. Guilt-free. 
Live the rest of your week (and your life) following the guidelines that you KNOW make you healthy, happy, whole and energized! 

Goodnight from carrot land!!
Corina, just a real girl ;)
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Flax & Blueberry Vanilla Overnight Oats

One of my favorite quick & easy work day breakfasts are overnight oats! 
Give this tasty version a try this week to give your morning breakfast routine a pick-me-up! 

Super tasty Flax and Blueberry Vanilla Overnight Oat Recipe

½ cup rolled oats OR quick oats
⅔ cup water
½ cup lowfat vanilla yogurt
1 tablespoon flaxmeal
1 baby pinch of salt
blueberries, pecans, brown sugar, and other goodies for topping

In an individual food storage container, add the ingredients in the order listed (except for toppings). Do not stir. Refrigerate overnight.
In the morning, stir up the mixture; it should be thick and the oats should be completely soft. Add the toppings of your choice. Repeat forever.

The different varieties of oats affect the texture, so if you like a thicker, chewier texture go for rolled oats and if you prefer something softer and creamier, go for quick cooking oats.

Are you an oatmeal junkie? What's your go-to flavor variation?


Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Faux-tatoes!

Ok, let's be serious -- if caulfilower mash is not a part of your regular meal planning you're missing out in a major, MAJOR way. 

I whipped these suckers up two nights ago to enjoy with lemon-garlic shrimp and green beans and my husband was over the moon! 

His summary as he cleaned his plate: "This was SO good.  Rich, tasty and satisfying and I'm not stuffed!  I can't believe these aren't actual potatoes!"

Well then - cauliflower mash for the WIN. 
So far this week we've eaten it with the lemon garlic shrimp and teriyaki salmon.  

The best part for me is that I can enjoy the carb-esque taste and texture without sacrificing a yellow container from my 21 Day Fix meal plan! *Talk about brain tricks!*

Here is the oh so tasty recipe:

Garlic Cauliflower Mash Faux-tatoes!

Servings: 4 Prep Time: 8 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes


1 head of cauliflower
3 tablespoons almond milk
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons plain greek yogurt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste!)


1. Separate the cauliflower into florets and chop the core finely.

2. Stove: Bring about 1 cup of water to a simmer in a pot, then add the cauliflower. Cover and turn the heat to medium. Cook the cauliflower for 12-15 minutes or until very tender.

Microwave: Place florets in microwave-safe bowl with 1 cup water.  Heat for 4 minutes, pausing halfway to stir cauliflower.  Cook until tender. 

3. Drain and discard all of the water (the drier the cauliflower is, the better) and add the milk, garlic powder, butter, greek yogurt, salt and pepper and mash with a masher until it looks like "mashed potatoes." 

21 Day Fix/Portion Fix containers: Serve using 1 green container = 1 green, 1 spoon

Serve alongside your favorite lean protein and veggies! Voila! Dinner is served!

Have you ever tried Cauliflower Mash?  What do you think of it?

Hoping you're having an amazing week!!



Saturday, January 3, 2015

Never Miss a Monday!

There are plenty of Monday mornings (maybe EVERY Monday morning, really!) when I roll over as the alarm goes off and wonder to my sleepy self "Why aren't Mondays included in the weekends??"

This thought used to allow me to snuggle down into my warm blankets as I slapped the snooze button on my alarm! 
That was then.  Back when I used to eat pizza any meal that I could get it, shoveled donuts down without giving them much thought, felt that corn was a legitimate vegetable and thought that brussels sprouts looked like green beans (I'd never actually seen them!).  
Yes, that was way, way back then. 

It's not today.  Now - today and EVERY Monday - I have goals.  
Those goals may not always be the first thought when I hear my alarm go off at 4am, but they are definitely the second - and the one that pulls me out of bed to push play on my workout of the day. 

Never miss a Monday.

It's a little promise that I make to myself every Sunday as I enjoy a day off from workouts. 
It's the vow that I make to the fat jeans that live in the very back of my closet. 
The little whisper of a lifestyle spun on its head and completely changed as I reflect on pictures of my old self. 

Never miss a Monday is SO much more than a hashtag, a trend or a cute phrase. 

It's a way of life. 

The way of life that I've followed for the past year fully. 
The way of life that has helped me to lose 25 pounds and kiss it goodbye forever. 

Mondays aren't meant for misery. 
They're meant for motivation & movement! 

Today, TAKE your Monday & thank it for the great beginning of a new week that it's holding. 

Share your goals with it & commit to keeping the promises that you've made to yourself time and time again, as you indulge in chocolate chip cookies once the kids have gone to bed and your husband's not looking. 

Make Monday your ally. 
You won't regret it! 
