Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Real Girl Moment

Happy Motivation Monday!!

Today I want to share with you something that I shared in my private health & fitness accountability groups on Facebook last week. 
It's a REAL moment.  
A raw moment.
A moment that all of us have on occasion, but look at and react to differently. 

This is my Real Girl Moment. 

Can I just be SO real with you guys for a second?

I am human. 
So, so human. 

I've been dealing with stress and anxiety out the ying this week due to some ridiculous medicine my doctor put me on to ease my asthma flare ups of the past few weeks. 

It makes me anxious and stress like nothing I ever remember experiencing. 

So tonight - after forgetting to eat, feeling ravenous and not desiring any of the prepped foods in our fridge (hello, salmon!?) I made a....

Grilled Cheese sandwich. 

(^^^ SO true!! Yikes, right?? Well, not exactly!)

Now - let me just clear this up. 

---- Was it clean? 
Yes, it actually was - I used Ezekiel's sprouted bread and the amount of cheese from my 21 Day Fix portions. 

---- Was it satisfying?
In the moment, absolutely. Crunchy. Cheesy. Melty. 
Now? I feel SO gross.  I feel STUFFED. 

The girl I was one year ago today would be beating myself up, vowing off all cheese for the rest of the year. 

The girl I am tonight says "Well, that sucks.  Sorry, tummy. Lesson learned. Where the carrots?

Live. Learn. Don't punish. 

This journey isn't a black and white thing.
It gets messy.
Life gets crazy.  

But we have control over how we react - feeding ourselves with things that look satisfying in the moment but will only fill us with regret later is not a good move. 

Plan a treat meal each week. Enjoy it. Guilt-free. 
Live the rest of your week (and your life) following the guidelines that you KNOW make you healthy, happy, whole and energized! 

Goodnight from carrot land!!
Corina, just a real girl ;)
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