Saturday, January 31, 2015

My Insanity Max 30 Journey --- 30 Day Check In!

Today is a BIG day. 

It officially marks the halfway point of the program I thought I could never do.  

It means I am halfway to completing a huge goal I set for myself this year. 

It means that January has been SMASHED & that 2015 is looking to be my fittest year yet. 

Today, I can officially say that I am 30 days through Insanity: Max 30 and feeling so proud of myself! 

This has been such an amazing journey so far, pushing play on every workout 5 times a week over the last 30 days along with my hubby and the beautiful women in my accountability group.  

What has Insanity Max 30 taught me so far in my journey?  
That modifying doesn't mean less intense, but does mean more focus. 
That my mind is in control of what my body does. 
That where I'm at today is GOOD ---- and where I will be tomorrow is even BETTER. 
That health and fitness is NOT a race that is focused on me against someone else - the girl on the screen, the girl at work, the model in the magazine - but a race from the old me to the new me, who is improving daily. 
That listening to your body does sometimes mean eating more food, once your body has become accustomed to your nutrition plan, which means greater results, more tone and growing muscles!

All of that from 30 minutes, 5 days a week, for 30 days. 
A healthier body.
A stronger mind. 
A happier heart. 
More determined willpower. 

Yes, I would definitely say that Max 30 is changing my life, one 30 second interval at a time! 

To say that I'm more excited about what's to come in the next 30 days is not at all an exaggeration! 

Come onnnn #bestbodyby25!!! How are your 2015 health & fitness goals coming along? 
I would love to help you achieve the things I've mentioned in this post --- with simple nutrition, workouts to suit your fitness level and create the body of your dreams! 
Let's connect via Facebook or the form below! I can't wait to get you started demolishing your goals for 2015! 

Corina Madariaga
Fill out my online form.
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