Monday, October 13, 2014

Don't Let Your Hang-up Be Your Hindrance

I heard this on my way home from work this afternoon and it made me pause:

Radio DJ:
"I was reading out of Galatians, chapter 6 this morning:
"Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone..." 
So I should see people as an opportunity - an opportunity to do good, share good and show love. Being introverted my natural instinct is to see people as an inconvenience, not an opportunity to show love. What areas of your life are you ignoring the opportunities to share goodness and seeing only inconveniences?"

In my car, by myself, I found myself saying "Woah."

My introverted instinct is to feel the same way. I'm shy. I end up feeling awkward in one on one conversations. I am constantly looking for a way to get out and get on the outside of the action, looking in.

Each and every time I react in such a way I'm missing the opportunity to love on people, as Christ calls us to do.
Today I'm claiming my timid nature & shy personality and seeking every opportunity to interact, to love and share life with others.

What inconvenience do you need to turn to opportunity?

Don't let your hang up be your hindrance.


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