Friday, October 3, 2014

Fact: I Almost Ate a Pop-Tart

Fact: this girl A L M O S T ate a Pop-tart

Today is our first official day back from vacation and my hubby and I agreed that we would be back to proper nutrition starting TODAY. 

My plan?
Go to the grocery store early this morning and stock up on the necessary food to get us back on track

My reality?
Laundry. And many a suitcase to unpack.

I whipped up a shake and pushed the store off for later.

Later struck and so did a Pop Tart craving.
Oh, crap.

I was thiiiiis close to actually scrapping the plan and downing that sugary, frosted Pop-Tart.

But I KNOW myself.

One sugary treat leads to ten more after nearly 2 weeks of abnormal eating.
So I put my foot down, sucked up my craving and bolstered my willpower.

Sorry Pop-tart, this girl has some goals to crush.

Pop-Tart: 0 Corina: 1 

What is your biggest obstacle when returning from vacation?


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